Step 6:

The Guru - Your Guide to Wisdom

Philosophical Lessons with Swamiji

Make sure you have worked through Step 5: Pathways to Yoga before starting Step 6.

We encourage you to move through these teachings sequentially for the best learning outcome. Click on the name of the class to be taken to your video on-demand lesson. Move at your own pace. Take some time to reflect, journal, walk. Return when you are ready for the next lesson.

When you complete all 7 Lessons below you can progress to Step 7: The Depth of Bhakti Yoga. When you have completed all 7 Steps, you might be interested in joining our Satsang community of students.

Bonnie Argo Bonnie Argo

1: The Spiritual Master

Who and what is a Guru

There is much confusion and doubt concerning the need for a spiritual master. Many questions are often asked such as, ‘Do I need one? Do they really exist? Can’t I find Bhagwan on my own? How do I know if the spiritual master is genuine? Will I have to give up my independence if I associate with one? What if I’m asked to do something I don’t want to do? How can I recognise and meet one? This is the first of a number of talks in which Swami Govindananda addresses these questions. If you study them carefully, you will come to have a comprehensive understanding about the need for, and role of, a genuine spiritual master.

35 Minute Lesson

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Bonnie Argo Bonnie Argo

2: The Spiritual Master Does Nothing

Yet does everything!

On becoming a saint, an individual soul is freed from the laws of karma. Now there is no work that needs to be done. Just as after the appearance of the sprout the seed disappears, and after the appearance of the fruit, flowers stop growing, so the whole activity of the mind ceases for the one who has become a saint. This talk explains this phenomenon in detail and provides a fascinating insight into the behaviour of the spiritual master.

35 Minute Lesson

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Bonnie Argo Bonnie Argo

3: The Mystery of the Spiritual Master

Going deeper into who they are

The nature of a spiritual master, a Guru, is complex and subtle. To approach and be benefitted by one, a clear understanding of these extraordinary personalities is essential. In this talk Swami Govindananda continues with the subject of the spiritual master. He does this in accordance with the wondrous writings of India’s scriptures, saints and sages. With this knowledge you will be able to recognise for yourself if an individual is a genuine spiritual master or not, and what you can expect from one. This talk is as fascinating as it is invaluable.

35 Minute Lesson

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Bonnie Argo Bonnie Argo

4: Three Philosophies Concerning a Guru

A fascinating insight

Some sages have said that Bhagwan (God) is greater than the Guru. Others have contradicted this and said no, the Guru is greater than Bhagwan. The Vedas confuse the matter even further by declaring that Bhagwan and the Guru are equal. What are we to understand from this? Swami Govindananda not only reconciles these apparently different philosophies but he also introduces a fourth one…

35 Minute Lesson

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Bonnie Argo Bonnie Argo

5: The Relationship of Guru & Student

What is it? How do you strengthen it?

In this world there are two types of relationship: causal and spiritual. Causal relationships concern family, friends and acquaintances. They are temporary and end when the cause ceases to exist. Spiritual relationships on the other hand never end because they never began – they always exist! This talk gives us understanding of this subject, explaining the true relationship between the spiritual master and the student.

35 Minute Lesson

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Bonnie Argo Bonnie Argo

6: Following Gurus’ Advice

Why you should

Every day, almost at every moment, we have to make decisions about what is the most appropriate thing we should do next with our time. As best we can, we plan for a future that will bring benefit and enjoyment to our lives. A good outcome. When we make these decisions, we have only our past and present experiences to call upon, along with our ambitions.

When a spiritual master gives advice, he considers both the individual’s present and future situations. This ability is unique to the Guru. Usually a person follows this advice according to the depth of their understanding and faith in the master. To illustrate this Swami Govindananda speaks on three classes of disciples showing how each of them respond to Gurus’ instructions.

35 Minute Lesson

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Bonnie Argo Bonnie Argo

7: Seva - The Importance of Giving

It connects you with the Guru at the deepest level

In this talk, Swami Govindananda introduces and elaborates on the most important element you need when learning from the spiritual master, and that is the attitude of ‘seva’ (to serve the Guru). It is a timeless tradition with great importance as it helps the student develop qualities such as humility, perceptivity, receptiveness and the wish to give rather than to take. To understand the intricacies of ‘seva’ is to understand the secret of genuine spiritual progress.

30 Minute Lesson

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