About Swamiji

Swami Govindananda is a remarkably gifted teacher. He is widely known for his depth of knowledge, his gentle, humorous nature and his ability to inspire in others the quest for genuine spiritual living. He embodies positive spirituality and through example shows how we can all live joyous lives in the modern world while at the same time moving towards our fullest individual potential.

With his unique blend of cultures, Swamiji is able to present complex Vedic philosophy in a very simple and easy to understand manner. He does this by using everyday modern examples/comparisons in how we live and view our lives. He is very popular with people from all backgrounds and has the ability to transcend culture to bring a wisdom that is life enhancing, embodying positive spirituality. He is a modern Holy man for today's times; a bright light for one and all. This will become evident just minutes after a talk has begun.

Through his retreats, online programs, audio meditations, live presentations, and written material,
Swamiji has touched the hearts of many thousands of people.

What does it mean to be a Swami?

In essence, it refers to one who is dedicated to a life of spiritual practice based sacred texts originating from India such as the Vedas, Bhagavad Gita, Bhagawatam, and Ramayana. To become a Swami, an individual undergoes intense study, in some cases learning Sanskrit, philosophy and profound meditational practices. Some Swamis teach, others serve humanity in related fields, and some renounce worldly life, preferring instead to live in Ashrams or hermitages.

It is typical for a Swami to wear robes in shades of ochre, yellow or orange in recognition of their status and dedication. They may shave their heads, or wear their hair long, usually with a beard.

Swami Govindananda was invited by his Guru, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, to live with him at his Ashram in India to become a Swami. This was a rare opportunity, particularly since no other Caucasian till then had been so fortunate to learn directly from such a great Master. After living with him for a number of years undergoing intensive training he was given   the name Govindananda, and handed me the saffron robes of a Swami. Shri Maharaj Ji asked him to spread the knowledge of Bhakti Yoga to the four corners of the earth. In his humble way, this is what he has been doing for the last 30+ years. It is a full time position that has seen him visit many countries and meet thousands of people.

Swamiji, “I am truly honored and deeply grateful to have the opportunity to be able to offer such a valuable service to individuals who have a genuine desire to improve their understanding and learn more about themselves.”

Swami Govindananda was invited by his Guru, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, to live with him in India and study to become a Swami. A very rare and one of great honor.

Discover the profound journey of authentic, traditional study from a great Spiritual Master. This unique opportunity allows you to immerse yourself in time-honoured teachings that have shaped the lives of countless individuals seeking spiritual growth and understanding.

I met Swamiji at a talk and at that very moment I found all these hard and long standing questions answered and delivered in way that was easy to understand, inspirational, hopeful and moreover humorous. I had read books about such personalities who had dedicated their lives to this search and like many others this was the first time I met a real live Swami, but I found any cultural divide was surprisingly easy to bridge. The way Swamiji presented the Master’s knowledge and strength with devotion and clarity created a sense of something special, rare and of purpose
— Alan.

Swami Govindananda

Swami Govindananda, fondly known as Swamiji, was born in New Zealand. At the age of 31 he had the remarkable opportunity to learn personally from the legendary Master, Jagadguru Shri Kripaluji Maharaj, who is renowned as the 5th original Jagadguru in the last 5000 years of Indian history. Swamiji was the first caucasian to do so and after years of intensive training in the profound teaching of Vedic philosophy and meditation, he was formally ordained as a Swami in 1987.

Swamiji is a senior teacher of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat, based in India. For over 35 years he has been teaching numerous souls around the world the essence of the great Indian scriptures known as the Vedas, Gita, Bhagawatam and Ramayan. He illuminates the pathways of Karma, Gyan and Bhakti Yoga, the way of action, knowledge and devotion.

Swamiji now lives in India, in the main ashram and birthplace of Guru, Shri Kripalu Dham Mangarh. He teaches primarily online, through regular zoom programs that cover both vedic teaching and meditation.

Swami Govindananda also presents some programs around the world at various venues like yoga studios, conferences and retreats. His charismatic delivery illuminates the wisdom that lies at the heart of yoga and gives inspirational insights into the significance of human life.


Bhakti assists Swami Govindananda in all his programs. She travels with Swamiji wherever he tours and all the online programs; assisting in set up, communication and a ‘go to’ person for any of your needs and questions. Bhakti is the one you will receive your emails from, the phone calls, and helping you to make your experience with Swamiji a beneficial, smooth, and enjoyable one.

Bhakti also leads the kirtan chanting meditation, which touches the soul and awakens the spiritual power within. Her album can also be found on the kirtan page – highly recommended!