Livestream Membership
Inspire your life with wisdom and practice.
Each week Swamiji offers relevant teachings according to the circumstances we are all facing and discusses the teachings that can help inspire us all through introspection.
Each session includes topics such as the importance of the mind, the purpose of the soul, the specialty of the human body, the essential knowledge that is necessary, and practical meditation.
Enrolment Options:
Single Session: $5
Join us for 1 Livestream session or a weekly membership. Start your practice today! There is no lock-in commitment for Subscriptions. Cancel anytime.
Livestream: $10/month
Access to 2 Livestreams per week. These sessions include guided meditation, kirtan and philsophy teachings. All Live classes are streamed through Zoom.
Livestream Weekly Class Schedule:
Sacred Sadhana Meditation:
Guided Meditation & Kirtan Chanting- Saturdays 10:30am-11:15am Sydney, Australia time zone
- Fridays 6:30-7:15pm New York time zone
Philosophy Question & Answer Session:
Interactive Q & A Session- Thursdays 7:30pm-8:30pm Sydney, Australia time zone
Free online classes throughout the year.
Session times are AEST (Sydney/Melbourne). Live elsewhere? Use this handy timezone tool to see what time it is for you.
We have two different levels of ongoing enrolment available as well as drop-in options. Simply select the study format that best suits your learning style, needs and time investment.
There is no lock-in commitment for membership subscription.
Cancel anytime.