Short Wisdom - Pride & the ability to judge.


we think it's just when we're puffed up, and we think we know things, etc. This is true, however, pride has many ripple effects, such as how we deal with each other in the world etc etc.

But in this talk, Swamiji talks on the aspects of pride in terms of our own beliefs, our place in this world, and our ability to judge ... to judge the Guru, the Saint.

Through uncountable lifetimes we meet a Divine personality, but when we perceive this personality, we apply our own intellect what we think of this person before us. 'how does he look ...', 'do I like the way he looks', 'do I like the way he speaks, does it appeal to my intellect or not.'

Lots and lots of things.

However when you meet a Mahapurush, a Divine personality, you're only seeing the body.

But the Mahapurush is not the body, it is the Divine Power within the body…

Hear more in this short but powerful talk … recorded from a livestream session … to hear more and join the livestream sessions, you can sign up to the livestream plus+ or satsang membership. Learn more HERE.


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