Wisdom Infused Meditation

In this meditation session Swamiji begins by creating the atmosphere of deep relaxation and meditation, through his soul-stirring words of wisdom.

While asking you to sit with eyes closed, shoulders relaxed, practicing steady rhythmical breathing, he guides you through spoken wisdom.

As part of this, Swamiji explains the role of the Master, the Guru, and to sit and listen to such a historically renowned spiritual master as Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, can change your entire perspective and sense of purpose and wellbeing.

Swamiji then leads you through, and advises was is necessary to reach the goal of increased happiness, peace, and a deeper meditation practice in your own life,

This meditation for the inner self is soul-stirring, powerfully emotional, as it explains how you can focus the mind to bring out the best in you. Not to be missed.


Two Types of Knowledge


What’s the Use of Spirituality